Friday, January 20, 2012

Glucola Test Appointment

Yesterday, I had an appointment for the "dreaded glucola test."

I was already nervous the night before.
Should I eat this? Should I eat that?

But a very knowledgeable nurse told me it would make no difference what I ate the night before.

I felt fine the morning of, as I drank the small cup of orange sugary substance. From that point on, the hour began that I had to wait for some results. The hour went by pretty fast. 10:26am came and a nurse called me to the back to get my finger pricked.

I started getting nervous.

The nurse, who is so sweet, said, "And the results say.......   oh."

Oh? What does that mean? Good? Bad? Tell me!!

She turned around very slowly and said, "It's 131."
"130 and under means you have passed."

What!?? One lousy point?????

Perfect. So now, even though it was just one stinkin' point away, I have to go through the same test, but for THREE hours, just for them to probably tell me..."You've passed."

So that's not good news, but I am thankful that it wasn't way over 130.

Everything else was fine.

I have recently felt a foot, or some other limb, sticking out of my belly! That was very exciting! I know she's in there, hanging out, cutting cartwheels, listening to her ipod, working on her dance get the point! lol
But to actually feel a limb vs's pretty cool! 

I can't WAIT until we have our 3D ultrasound! I am so anxious to see what she looks like, even though I have a strong feeling that she looks like her Daddy and is bald headed.

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