Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moving Right Along

Moving right along....I'm in my 12th week! So Saturday will be my first day of my 2nd trimester!
This week Baby Gunter is the size of....
...a plum!
"As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed."
                                                                                              -The Bump

So that's exciting! We're truckin' right along!
We have decided to wait until about 18 weeks to find out the gender of the baby. Finding out ASAP is awesome, but I sure don't want to get anything wrong or as Wanda Witt put it, "something my fall off or decide to grow in the early stages!!" haha Speaking of Wanda Witt, just wanted to give a big shout out to her!! She's a very good friend of mine's mother
and a very knowledgeable nurse at Greenwood OB/GYN.

"Thanks Wanda for listening to me as I freak out and ask you a bazillion questions. (There's more where that came from!) You're a huge help and nerve calmer!!"

I'm so anxious to get another ultrasound! I wish they would do one every 4 weeks! I thought they did, but wishful thinking. Last time we saw Baby Gunter was when he/she was an almond. So I believe things have really changed since then. He/she is suppose to look like a baby now!

On another subject, folks are really getting worried about what we decided for a name! lol Mama's freakin' out! She's scared that she won't like it. I can understand that, but oh well. Suggestions are welcome, but don't expect for us to change our mind because of one person's opinion. lol And for future reference, if your opinion is negative, keep it to yourself:) haha
Bottom line, no matter what the name will be, when that baby comes, nothing else will matter! I mean, come on, we're not gonna pick a stupid name to call our child for the rest of their life!
Give us a little credit!

Completely off subject, but I did want to share is awesome!

Until next time, hope everyone has a good rest of the week!

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